Recently, the post-release-monitoring team observed a group of three orangutan mothers and their babies who seemed to all know each other.
It is not easy being a mother to a young baby, and sometimes even an orangutan needs to socialize with others in a similar situation. The monitoring team recently stumbled upon a small group of orangutan mothers spending time together while taking care of their babies.

The post-monitoring team at Lesik camp regularly monitors the orangutans that have been released into the wild after many years of rehabilitation. The team were quite surprised when they recently saw the three orangutans, Lesan, Sayang and Teresa, together with babies Ayu, Padma and Berani in an area close to their camp.
All orangutans seemed to be familiar with each other, and seemed quite relaxed. The mothers had obviously settled in their home in the forest and had gotten to know each other since their release in 2012, 2013 and 2015.
The monitoring team noticed, among other things, how Teresa let her little son Berani run around – as long as she could keep an eye on him. Berani eagerly climbed up a tree to get a glimpse of the view.
Little Padma, who is the youngest of the babies, was less adventurous. She preferred staying in her mother’s safe arms than climbing up the tree after Berani.

After the monitoring team had been observing the small group for a while, the orangutans decided to move along and explore other parts of the forest.
All three babies are born as wild orangutans to successfully rehabilitated orangutans.