Rescuing displaced and orphaned orangutans

When we protect the rainforest, we protect the wild orangutan.
The rainforest also play a major part in three of the biggest issues of our time: loss of biodiversity, the climate crisis and prevention of future pandemics.
More about Biodiversity, Climate and PandemicsThe Bornean orangutan is critically endangered, and thousands of orangutans die as a result of human-orangutan conflicts every year. An estimate of 150,000 orangutans have disappeared in Borneo since 1999.
Save the Orangutan has entered into a strategic partnership with Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF), the largest player in Indonesia when it comes to orangutan conservation. Together we focus broad efforts to protect the critically endangered Bornean orangutan population. We help the many displaced and orphaned orangutans, and we protect the remaining wild orangutan populations and their natural habitats.
More about the partnership